Buy a New Car at 50% Off – Wholesale Car Book Reveals Top Secrets

A new information product has recently been released that is creating quite a stir in the online world. Dr Suzanne Gudakunst of syndicated cable television and equally famed expert in the fields of alternative health, health technologies and corrective dietary implementation, has written a book which claims to provide the secrets of how to buy a car for 30% to 50% off the dealer price.

The amazing thing about her new top selling information product is that her tips and tricks purportedly work on NEW CAR purchases—even luxury vehicles priced up to $500,000.00. While generally wholesale car buying is linked with buying used cars, these tips and strategies can be used to purchase brand new cars for a fraction of their sticker costs. While the book details how to purchase expensive cars for as low as $300.00 a month it also notes that the strategies work for moderately priced cars as well.

These strategies were developed as Dr Suzanne began to research the car buying market following a hunch that she was being ripped off by dealers in her area. Apparently, her investigation proved that her hunch was right and that people were regularly being taken advantage of in the car buying process.

Dr Suzanne decided to fight back and began a thorough investigation of the automobile industry in order to find out how to beat them at their own game.

Originally, Dr Suzanne used the wholesale car buying strategies that she uncovered to purchase luxury vehicles for herself. However, in time, it seemed that her secret was too good to remain a secret. The genesis of “Top Secret Car Secrets” was begun at that time.

Many people began to report that her wholesale car buying secrets worked for moderately priced vehicles as well. For an average American, a bit of this knowledge can save thousands in the next car purchase. Using her strategies, reports of saving $15,000.00 on a car purchase or $400.00 a month in car payments are not unusual.

Obviously, since the product sounded too good to be true, I decided that I would do a little investigative work around the Internet to determine what people who used these strategies were experiencing. The feedback appeared to be overwhelmingly positive for this wholesale car buying guide.

One individual, whom I located, purchased an average car unlike the luxury vehicles purchased by Dr Suzanne. He reported a savings of $3000.00 upon purchasing his new car. While he acknowledged that it was not the amount that Dr Suzanne was saving on the expensive vehicles, it was still $3000.00 more than he would have obtained using his own devices. He obviously felt the information on wholesale car buying found in Top Secret Car Secrets was more than worth the money.

One interesting phenomenon, related to the wholesale car buying market, as explained in Dr Suzanne’s book, is that a number of people have found a business model between it’s pages. Buying cars—all types including luxury cars—and then turning around and selling them for profit on eBay has become a new profitable venture for a number of people. It appears that a lucrative new business model has developed from her techniques.

Without a doubt, Top Secret Car Secrets appears to be a winning proposition. Its’ top rating within the Clickbank marketplace, only further appears to validate the money saving principles and strategies that it espouses.

Dr Suzanne’s plan of action requires a little upfront research and so it’s important to thoroughly study all of her materials (printing them out and rereading them is advised). But, the process of finding a wholesale car for purchase is not hard in and of itself. And the cost benefits can be astounding. It’s clear that Dr. Suzanne’s book provides invaluable reading for those wanting to know how to buy a car in the wholesale car marketplace. mercedes for sale

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