Wellness Coaching Services
Wellness coaching services can provide the accountability and support to keep employees committed to their health and fitness goals. This can save companies money in the long run.
Wellness coaches are not mental health professionals, so they cannot provide therapy or treat a mental illness. They can, however, work with clients to manage stress.
Boosts Employee Morale
Boosting morale in the workplace can help reduce employee burnout. In turn, boosting morale can help increase productivity.
Wellness coaching services are confidential partnerships that enable an individual to work toward a specific lifestyle goal. Goals can include weight management, sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol and blood pressure, chronic health conditions such as diabetes or asthma, sleep disorders and stress management.
Ensure that wellness coaches are certified through an accredited coach training program. This will ensure that the coach understands the importance of motivational interviewing and intrinsic motivation to guide each individual towards their own best self. Additionally, it will ensure that the coach can address all of an individual’s needs, rather than simply focusing on a singular area.
Reduces Health Care Costs
Wellness coaching helps employees improve their health and create lifestyle changes that are sustainable over time. This helps reduce long-term healthcare expenditures, which ultimately saves the company money.
Employees feel valued when their employer takes the time to help them reach goals that will make a positive impact in their lives. This boosts morale and encourages workers to perform at their best.
Adding wellness programs and coaching services is an excellent way to attract new hires as well. Applicants look for workplaces that offer specialized coaching services when looking for jobs.
While peer wellness coaches are not mental health counselors, they can provide supportive conversation around stress and emotional challenges. Employees who receive a wellness coach will find that the positive feelings they gain from working with their coach carry over into their professional life. This contributes to a productive work environment and helps employers save on lost productivity costs. In addition, the American Medical Association has created temporary Category III current procedure codes (CPT) for wellness and health coaching which may eventually lead to insurance reimbursements.
Attracts Top Talent
The health and wellness coaching industry is booming. Many people pursue this career because they want to make a difference in their lives and those of their clients.
During wellness coaching sessions, the coach helps their client to identify the issues that prevent them from achieving their goals and designs a plan to address them. The coaching sessions can be conducted in person, over the phone or via video conference.
A wellness coach is different from a nutritionist or physical therapist in that they don’t make specific dietary or exercise recommendations. The coaches help their clients to develop a healthier mindset and work through any self-limiting beliefs that are blocking their progress.
Adding wellness coaching services to your employee benefits program will help to attract top talent and keep current employees. Contact a reputable healthcare consulting firm like Global Healthcare Resources to learn more about the latest trends in employee wellness and how you can leverage them for your business.
Enhances Productivity
A wellness coach can help employees focus on the areas of their life that are most important to them, such as achieving a better work/life balance. The coach can help them create a plan that will encourage healthy eating and exercise and provide feedback on these aspects of their personal lives.
The wellness coach can also help the employee develop strategies for addressing stress and anxiety. These strategies can include mindfulness techniques, moving the body in enjoyable ways, having difficult conversations, and intuitive eating.
The coach can also be a resource to help the employee find other benefits offered by the organization, such as a health savings account or an on-site clinic. This can make the wellness program more attractive to the employee and increase its usage. This can lead to improved overall health in the workplace and reduced healthcare costs. It can also lead to a more productive workforce that is less likely to miss work due to illness or injury.